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GenAI and the Future of Risk Management: What Every Telco Needs to Know

GenAI and the Future of Risk Management: What Every Telco Needs to Know Image Credit: yattaa/

As the digital landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace and our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the threats posed by fraud and malicious activities have and continue to increase in sophistication. With an eye on the skyrocketing volume of digital transactions, bad actors are exploiting this fertile ground – creating a new sense of urgency among telecom operators to develop a robust fraud management strategy.

There are many factors driving the urgency for enhanced fraud management, including digital transformation, which is expanding the surface area exposed to fraud risks; sophisticated fraud techniques and tactics that are continuously evolving and have the ability to bypass traditional defense mechanisms; and the high stakes operators face such as damage to brand reputation and regulatory repercussions when fraudulent activities occur. While not a panacea, the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) into risk management strategies offers both immense potential, as well as inherent challenges.

A multi-faceted approach to risk management

While a multi-faceted approach is essential, operators view the convergence of GenAI and fraud management as key to their success in minimising fraudulent activities. The confluence and synergy of GenAI and fraud management offers promise by:

  • Enriching the data landscape: GenAI addresses a perennial problem in AI – the dearth of high-quality training data. It can produce synthetic datasets that closely replicate real-world fraud patterns, enabling better model training.
  • Enabling a proactive stance: Instead of reactively addressing fraud, organisations can leverage GenAI to simulate potential fraud scenarios. This proactive approach enables companies to anticipate and counteract novel fraud techniques.
  • Advancing detection capabilities: Beyond traditional rule-based systems, GenAI can discern complex fraud patterns. By analysing vast data volumes, it can pinpoint hidden correlations, making fraud detection more accurate and timelier.

Reaching a multi-faceted approach to fraud detection requires GenAI to be at the centre of the strategy. Through GenAI, it's possible to fabricate datasets that echo genuine fraud patterns. This capability becomes instrumental when there's a shortage of balanced training data, ensuring the efficacy of fraud detection models. By producing a wide array of representative data, GenAI elevates the precision of fraud detection mechanisms.

Using past data as a foundation, generative models can reproduce potential fraud circumstances. This equips the operator with foresight, allowing them to not only anticipate but also construct robust countermeasures against emerging fraud techniques. Instead of traditional rule-based methods, GenAI digs deeper, spotting complex behavioural and transactional patterns that might be the early signs of a fraud attempt.

In deciphering anomalies with autoencoders, think of autoencoders as a sieve: trained with standard transactions, they can single out anomalies based on how data doesn't fit. New transactions with a higher "misfit" level can be potential fraud indicators. The beauty of generative models lies in their ability to profile users. By understanding a user's regular transactional rhythm, any break in this rhythm, no matter how subtle, becomes noticeable.

When telcos have GenAI in their toolbox, fraud analysts have instant, detailed reports at their fingertips. It’s not just about speed; it's about delivering laser-focused information to guide decision-making. In the event of suspicious patterns, generative AI not only raises the alarm but paints a complete picture. Every alert comes with a backstory, making it easier for analysts to connect the dots and take appropriate actions.

With GenAI acting as the ‘strategist’, it analyses various metrics to decide which fraud cases need immediate attention. Think of it like having a seasoned general directing the battlefield, ensuring resources are best deployed.

GenAI doesn’t just make rules; it interprets them. By offering human-comprehensible explanations, it bridges the gap between complex algorithms and human understanding. By taking on routine tasks, GenAI ensures that the entire fraud detection team operates like a well-oiled machine. Alerts are prioritised, communications are seamless, and reactions are swift, making fraud detection a streamlined affair.

GenAI use cases in fraud detection and mitigation

Interconnect Bypass Fraud, commonly referred to as Bypass Fraud, is a telecommunications fraud wherein calls are illicitly rerouted to sidestep associated charges. This fraud is typically executed using technologies like SIM boxes and VoIP gateways. GenAI presents promising solutions in both detecting and mitigating this type of fraud. Here's how GenAI can be instrumental:

Additionally, GenAI can be instrumental in combatting identity fraud. Through its ability to discern and adapt to intricate patterns, GenAI not only bolsters defenses against identity theft but also paves the way for innovative protective measures. Here are some ways in which GenAI empowers protection strategies:

Harness the power of GenAI

Although GenAI offers promising advancements in fraud detection, its adoption is not without pitfalls. These include the possibility of models producing deceptive outputs termed "hallucinations", the opacity of the decision-making processes found in some models, inadvertent reinforcement of existing data biases, substantial computational and training expenses, and difficulties in maintaining output accuracy given the complexity and vastness of the data they're trained on. These complications underscore the importance of meticulous planning when integrating GenAI into a risk management strategy.

The landscape of GenAI is as vast and complex as it is promising. Successful integration requires an in-depth understanding of both its capabilities and vulnerabilities. Equally vital is the establishment and adherence to ethical standards, ensuring that the power of GenAI is harnessed responsibly. As with any sophisticated technology, a multi-faceted approach to its adoption—balancing its power with prudence, understanding its nuances, and continuously updating based on evolving threats and scenarios—is paramount. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too will the tools we employ, with GenAI undoubtedly standing at the forefront of this progression.

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Harsha Angeri is VP of Corporate Strategy & Head, AI Business at Subex. Harsha is responsible for steering the strategic direction of the company. His responsibilities encompass shaping corporate initiatives, developing and executing growth strategies, portfolio transformation and fostering innovation within our technology landscape. He runs the AI business of Subex driving the strategy & roadmaps across Conventional and Generative AI applications. Harsha comes aboard with a wealth of entrepreneurial leadership and strategic insight.


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