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The Unknown Risks of APIs: More Than Just a Modernization Debate

The Unknown Risks of APIs: More Than Just a Modernization Debate Image Credit: Radachinskiy.jpg/

Digitization has necessitated the use of APIs to ensure smooth operations, interoperability, and enhanced user experiences. But like the hidden depths of an iceberg, there lies a vast expanse of risks beneath the surface of these valuable tools, often uncharted and misunderstood.

Legacy tech debt vs. modernization

A prevailing belief in the IT sphere has been the urgent need to modernize – to overhaul older systems and move away from legacy tech debt. The common rationale: older systems are naturally more vulnerable and can't hold up against contemporary threats. But is this always the case? My experience says: not necessarily.

You see, while modern systems may bring new capabilities, they also introduce newer vulnerabilities. Newer isn't always safer. The essence is not in the age of the technology but in its architectural integrity and the security measures surrounding it. Simplistically rushing towards modernization can be like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The underestimated and misunderstood risks

The vital role of APIs in the digital landscape is undeniable. Yet, the gravity of threats they face is frequently overlooked, and the nuanced complexities are often not fully understood.

A recent State of API Security report sheds light on how organizations prioritize API security:

  • 23% regard it as a very high priority
  • 25% classify it as a high priority
  • Meanwhile, a concerning 31% place it somewhere between somewhat of a priority to not a priority at all.

The root cause of this disconnect may be found in the perceptions and beliefs held by an organization's leadership and decision-makers. A significant 49% of respondents highlighted that their management fundamentally underestimates the risk to APIs.

There are also complexities in the arena of API security that make it challenging for organizations to grasp the full scope:

  • Difficulty in Understanding: About 37% of organizations find it hard to reduce threats to APIs simply because they find it challenging to understand how to do so. This might stem from the multifaceted nature of APIs and the variety of potential vulnerabilities they can introduce.
  • Misplaced Prioritization: 42% feel that other security risks take precedence over API threats. This is indicative of a landscape where many organizations might be fighting fires on multiple fronts, often choosing to address more immediate and visible threats, possibly at the expense of unknown API risks.
  • Resource Constraints: For 33% of the entities, resource allocation is a pressing challenge. The budgetary constraints, along with the lack of dedicated personnel for API security, exacerbate the issue.
  • Muddied Waters: A small segment of respondents sees API security as a subset of either cloud security (13%) or application security (8%). Such perceptions can lead to oversight, with organizations potentially leaving gaps in their defense by not addressing API-specific vulnerabilities.

These points underscore a broader narrative: the threats facing APIs are not merely a technical challenge. They are also organizational and perceptual. The first step in addressing them begins with reorienting our understanding and recalibrating our priorities.

The road forward: strategizing for API security

The figures and responses from organizations provide a clear directive: The world of API security is marked by nuance and complexity, and our collective approach must evolve.

Here's how organizations can navigate the intricate landscape and bolster their API defense:

  • Educate and Elevate Awareness: Organizations need to facilitate regular educational sessions, ensuring both the technical and executive teams understand the pivotal role of APIs and the unique risks they present. This isn't a one-time fix – as technology changes and APIs evolve, so must our understanding.
  • Dedicated Resources: It's time for organizations to reconsider their allocation of resources. With 33% of entities citing resource constraints as a challenge, there's an evident need for dedicated API security teams, complemented by requisite budgetary allocations.
  • Define Clear Ownership: Our data underscores the scattered ownership of API security budgets across organizations. Consolidating responsibility, perhaps under a dedicated API security team or officer, can enhance focus and accountability.
  • Regular API Audits: With many organizations uncertain about their exact number of APIs, regular audits are indispensable. These audits can help in managing API sprawl, maintaining an updated inventory, and ensuring consistent security policies.
  • Comprehensive Visibility: Embracing tools and platforms that provide a holistic view of the entire API landscape is crucial. Organizations should strive for clarity on their API count, the data transmitted, and the vulnerabilities at play.
  • Robust API Governance: A comprehensive API governance framework is the need of the hour. This should encompass consistent policies and procedures across the organization, addressing everything from API development and deployment to monitoring and remediation.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Testing: Just as threats evolve, so should our defenses. Regularly scheduled vulnerability assessments and security testing focused on APIs can preemptively identify potential weaknesses, giving organizations the upper hand.
  • Refined Perceptions: It's crucial for organizations to recognize the distinctiveness of API security, separate from cloud or application security. Treating API security as its unique domain will ensure a more tailored and effective defense strategy.
  • Staying Updated: With threats like DDoS attacks and fraudulent activities being predominant, staying updated on the latest threat vectors and defense mechanisms specific to APIs will allow organizations to be agile in their response.

The road forward is one of continuous adaptation. With the pace of technological advancement showing no signs of slowing, it's imperative for organizations to stay vigilant, prioritize API security, and remain proactive. By embracing these strategies and staying attuned to the evolving landscape, businesses can ensure that their digital transformation journey remains both innovative and secure.

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Richard is a multi-time, c-level executive in both the corporate and start-up worlds, Richard is internationally recognized for his expert insights, work and views on cybersecurity, data privacy, digital consumer rights and next generation security topics. Richard delivers keynote presentations around the world and is a highly sought after speaker, particularly when he is translating cybersecurity and risk realities into business language and imperatives. He is a Senior Fellow with the CyberTheory Zero Trust Institute, a Forbes Tech council member and has been interviewed frequently by media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg, The Financial Times, Business Insider, CNN, NBC Nightly News and TechRepublic.


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