[White paper] Techco Imperatives to Monetize B2B in the 5G Era

[White paper] Techco Imperatives to Monetize B2B in the 5G Era Image Credit: Oracle

CSPs are struggling to find the optimal means to engage with B2B customers, and this has been the case for some time. CSPs are also committed to fixing this. In a recent TM Forum survey14, 71% of respondents stated that improving the customer experience for B2B organizations is their number one priority. However, with 5G and the wide array of services it enables, CSPs will continue to face challenges as they aim to deliver a differentiated B2B customer experience. This goes well beyond the challenges of translating 5G value beyond improved connectivity to enterprises. The real value-generating use cases for enterprises are still in their adolescence. CSPs will have to attend to the basics of delivering compelling use cases with revenue models consistent with enterprise economics. To really deliver a compelling B2B customer experience, CSPs must also address core issues around how they interact with enterprises. As CSPs invest in their B2B strategy it is critical that they remember:

  • One size does not fit all – different B2B customers will require different engagement models
  • Meet customers where they are while striking the appropriate balance between human, digital, and hybrid interactions
  • Maintaining customer relationships can be hard – once an enterprise is a customer the challenges do not subside. CSPs must adapt with their customers and continue to invest in evolving their customer experience strategy
  • Partnerships can be invaluable to CSPs hoping to offer compelling industry-focused solutions to enterprise customers

Read the full paper by clicking on the link to the right.

29 January 2023 / Telecom White Papers / By Ray Sharma