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Jason Walls

Jason Walls

Jason Walls is Director of Technical Marketing at QA Cafe and Director of the Broadband User Services Work Area at the Broadband Forum. A protocol geek at heart, he's been involved with testing technologies like TR-069 since its inception and has spearheaded the creation of the User Services Platform (USP/TR-369). Jason has more than 20 years of computer networking experience, helping to develop internet and communications technology and translate it into value opportunities for organizations and the industry as a whole. Catch him at any event and he’ll happily talk all things about networking and philosophy over a beer.

How Operators Can Secure Value From a Managed Connected Home

Tuesday, 02 May 2023 01:48
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, working, shopping, and engaging in basic needs like healthcare through the Internet was a luxury. The dramatic shift since then,…