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Walid Negm

Walid Negm

As Group Chief Innovation Officer at Altran, Walid Negm is responsible for research and development activities and strategic investments, including autonomous driving and the future of mobility, digital therapeutics, 5G networks and edge computing. Prior to joining Altran, he was Global Lead of R&D at Accenture. Earlier in his career, he was a cofounder of various cybersecurity and mobile infrastructure startups and oversaw their product development. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Computer Engineering from Boston University and an MBA from The McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.

Combating Digital Discontent and Building Consumer Trust in the Years to Come

Wednesday, 06 November 2019 07:10
What do Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama and Katy Perry have in common? They’ve all had starring roles in deepfake videos. Deepfakes which use artificial intelligence…